Looking beyond the current take, make, waste economy many businesses currently operate in, the float8 philosophy aims to operate within a circular economy, redefining growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits by gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of our systems, underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources. This circular model builds economic, natural, and social capital and is based on three principles.

Working towards this circular economy and a net carbon zero future, float8 looks to utilise less wasteful and more sustainable construction processes, building materials and best operating practices within our present and future floating homes, commercial spaces and floating developments.

Circular Economy Explained

What if building on flood plains was sustainable?

Over recent years the UK has seen several incidents where severe floods have caused considerable damage to people’s homes and livelihoods, yet there is a still a chronic shortage of new homes to serve the needs of a growing population.

With sea levels continuing to rise as an impact of global warming, the associated risk of localised flooding runs parallel, yet planners and developers so often turn to unattractive and expensive brownfield development sites or the greenfield sites that should be preserved for agriculture to feed the mouths of a growing population and outdoor recreation that’s so important to the nation’s mental wellbeing.

Why not look at the abundance of flood plains as a sustainable and cost-effective solution, where floating homes rise and fall with the water level?